

This information has been retained to illustrate the development of the project, set up in 2002 by Jim Wood of Kilmacolm.

The Problem:

For thirty years the Kilmacolm Community buildings has suffered from a degree of social exclusion and deprived of reasonable accommodation to allow community activities the scope to be developed, the quality of life to be improved and opportunity to be given to all the inhabitants, especially those who are disadvantaged and excluded. In particular children, young people, the disabled and the elderly are being denied the opportunity to participate in a whole range of community activities. Over that period no capital investment has been made by Inverclyde Council to enhance the sub-standard facilities, which exist in four dilapidated properties.

Community Action

To address this deficiency, the Kilmacolm Village Centre Forum was set up 2002 to secure the best solution, to the following:-

  • reducing isolation of the disabled, infirm and the elderly
  • developing life skills, particularly of young people
  • promoting social responsibility and community pride
  • encouraging everyone to participate in community affairs

By June 2003 the Forum set up K.N.C.C – A Company Limited by Guarantee (with charitable status) to tackle the above. The aim is now to centralise all community activities in a refurbished Victorian two-storey school building, and build a new village hall/ library linked to it, to provide enhanced facilities for the community.

Throughout this website, K.N.C.C. will strive to illustrate their acceptance of the need for effective governance, transparency and good practice, and their commitment to the following: –

  • setting up a nine-man board with representatives from the KNCC, the Community Council, facility users and Inverclyde Council;
  • undertaking three community-wide facility user studies;
  • preparing a business and development plan;
  • reporting regularly through open community meetings, local press and Village Forum meetings;
  • keeping Inverclyde Council up to date
  • obtaining information through contacts of existing similar type projects in Scotland;
  • working with volunteer Village centre organisations;
  • seeking best practice advice from CVS (Community Volunteer Service) and other organisations;
  • consulting on special needs for the disabled with appropriate organisations e.g. Quarriers;

Making the most effective use on a voluntary basis of Village Centre members and professionally qualified accountants, lawyers, quantity surveyors and building contractors to achieve the project aims.