

Funding for the Kilmacolm New Community Centre is coming together well with major pledges from Inverclyde Council, the Cargill Fund, private trusts, and other major potential donors including the Big Lottery.


The Stakeholder Appeal was launched at the Community Conference with a target of £50,000.

It is very simple – members of the Kilmacolm Community, friends and family are asked to purchase stakes in the project at a cost of £10 each –

multiple applications are of course particularly welcome.

Secure your Stakes in the project by paying in your chosen amount to the

Royal Bank of Scotland, St James Terrace, Kilmacolm,
Account no 00187950
Sort Code 83-23-20

As a charity KNCC can claim back the income tax if you to fill in a pink slip, which you can get at the Bank or the Library.

This is the preferred method, but if you would prefer to give by instalments it is very simple to arrange this at the Bank

We must close the funding gap but it cannot happen unless the residents of Kilmacolm are prepared to show their interest by becoming stakeholders in the project and supporting the Community Appeal target of £50,000. KNCC are not asking for huge sums of money from few individuals, but for large numbers of villagers to give what they can afford to indicate their support.

This target is absolutely vital for the Lottery application, as lottery help is only given to Communities who are prepared to help themselves.

This is very easy to do. Simply collect a form from the Library or the Royal Bank, and pay in your chosen amount. If you are a UK taxpayer the pink form will enable KNCC to reclaim the tax at no cost to yourself. Already a substantial amount has been reclaimed from the Inland Revenue.

At the time of writing over £20,000 has been raised, much of it given by a few very generous key stakeholders to whom we are very grateful.


If you have any further queries please feel free to call Rosemary Hammond on 01505 872345

K.N.C.C. have registered with a charitable fundraising website, and will receive commission for the new community centre project on any sales generated via this website. If you have ever considered purchasing on line, simply click on the banner below and you will be linked to nearly 90 national retailers, where you can buy anything from a holiday to a DVD …and you may well benefit from discounts or free delivery too!

Buy at

This K.N.C.C. website is also available to advertise all local shops and businesses for a nominal sum, so that you can help by sponsoring the project in exchange for a lucrative point of contact on this site.